January knitting classes begin!
Learn to Knit Class Sequence
A series of classes for the beginning knitter starts this month. Classes are 1.5 hours long and led by Reah Janise Kauffman, a local knitwear designer. Limited to five people, please sign up to hold your place.
Initial interest has already filled one class. A second beginning knitting class is being offered on Thursday, January 5 from 10:30 am-noon. Cost is $25, which includes a starter kit of needles, yarn and tapestry needle.
The next class will be held January 18 (and 19 depending on signups) and will teach casting on and binding off. Cost: $15. Other classes will focus on seaming and gauge, increasing and decreasing, and knitting in the round. Sign up to hold your place!

Workshop: Mosaic Knitting Here’s a great way to do two-color knitting, without stranding or tangling! Designers are rediscovering this delightful technique and with this class under your belt, you’ll be able to tackle these fun patterns. The class, led by Reah Janise Kauffman, will teach how to read a mosaic pattern and work several different patterns. If you can knit and purl, you can do mosaic knitting! When: Saturday, January 14: 10:30 am-12:30 pm Cost: $30 per person, payable to Reah Janise. Class is limited to six people. Sign up to hold your place! Other Workshops If you would like to experience a totally new fiber art, check out the workshops at Belfast Fiberarts.